
Who am i?

Hi! I’m Rachel and I own Rachel’s Rejuvenating Spa. I am a small business in a small town called Sault Ste. Marie. After becoming a licensed esthetician and certified Lash Extension tech in 2016 I got right to work creating my business.

What do i Do?

I offer a variety of spa services in a calming space.

Manicures, Pedicures, Waxing for men and women. Facial Treatments, Lash Extensions/ Lifts and even Massage.

Along with spa services I hand make bath and body products.

Bath Bombs, Bath Teas, Salt& Sugar Scrubs, Bath Salts & Bath Dust

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The Spa

Comfortable & Quiet! Welcome to the spa! The spa is located within my home so the experience is more private and personal. Space for two person pedicure and manicure appointments. Massage bed for relaxation massage, lash services, waxing and facials.

Spa Employees


Please note that these “employees” are our fur babies and do not go in the spa room.


Salem- The Cat

Salem is normally manning the front desk. He likes head scratches and belly rubs. He often gets side tracked by watching the birds.

Cabela- The Dog

Cabela is the newest employee and is the best at cuddling and face licks. She’s a sweetie but full of energy. She is most likely found sleeping on the couch.