Aftercare for services

  • Avoid getting your lashes wet for 24hrs after appointment.

    Avoid extreme heat and open flames.

    Do NOT use a lash curler.

    Do NOT pick or pull lash extensions off.

    Brush lashes with a clean spoolie to detangle them.

    Wash lashes daily with an approved lash cleanser. Pat dry or use a small fan.

    Pre-book your fill 2-3 weeks.

  • Avoid getting lashes wet for 24-48 hrs after appointment.

    Safe to wear mascara; this will enhance the lifted lashes even more!

  • Avoid touching your face or picking at ance spots.

    No saunas, hot tubs, pools for 24hrs.

    Stay out of the sun or use SPF.

    Stay hydrated.

    Moisturize skin daily.

    Avoid chemical or manual exfoliation for 72hrs after appointment.

    Avoid makeup for 24hrs.

  • No hot showers or baths for 48hrs (body waxing)

    No tanning or sunbathing for 24-48hrs (body & face waxing)

    Avoid swimming; especially clorinated pools. (body & face waxing)

    Avoid makeup (face waxing)

    Avoid touching freshly waxed area (face & body waxing)

    Soothe area with aloe gel or a cool damp cloth.